Sunday, July 18, 2010

Reality strikes back

SO after a week of pet sitting and week of relationship nurturing it's now time for...

you guessed it!

A healthy dose of reality.

I go to Wisconsin in two weeks for a family reunion.

I go to school August 16th for band camp.

I have a bridal shower to go to Saturday.

Classes start September 1st.

My art show is the 17th of February.

I have a client's website due very soon.

I go back to work tomorrow.

I am now addicted to geneology.

I turn 21 in about a month.

There are so many things I wanted to get done this summer and just didn't.

and I have to keep all these things in mind while remembering almost hourly that Drew isn't here anymore and I have no idea when I will see him again.


Yep, back to reality. Lord give me strength.

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