Thursday, July 1, 2010

Right now.

I'm sitting on the toilet.

Because I have wireless internet. heh.

and I just had the brilliant idea of fashioning this post "fifth grade diary entry" style.

What does that entail?

I'll show you:

Dear diary,

Today was a good day. I woke up and drove to work. Work was boring. I made packets and put them into folders with Chelsea. Then I ate lunch. Then I did the same thing for another four and half hours. Then...I drove to Weber and changed my clothes because I was going to play frisbee in a half an hour. Then I decided to drive to Larsen to play the piano. It was fun. Then 5:30 came and it was time for ultimate frisbee. Some people were jerks and tripped me and I fell on my knee. It's ok now. I scored three points, and had a fun time. Then I drove Kristin back to her apartment and drove home. I had ribs, peas, and herb-noodle salad for dinner. It was good. Me and my mommy and daddy watched funniest home videos and my brother Kyle made brownies. They were good! Then I played my keyboard in my room, and now I'm writing in this diary. Now I'm also on Skype with my boyfriend, David Andrew Lee II. That was my day. See you tomorrow!

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